This weekend my massage school had an Alumni reunion. It has been about four years since my last trip to Carlson College of Massage Therapy. After graduating I used to go regularly, not only because I missed it there, but because I loved going for student clinic time. Parenthood and the extra distance has made this more challenging.
Every day during training I would get to drive out of the city to where is said Grant Wood painted his famous pictures of rolling hills. Between these hills sat my school, a refurbished barn on 30+ acres in the Iowa countryside. This small school attracts students from all over the country and it is highly regarded as the best massage school in the area.
I forgot what a beautiful place it was to go to school. As good as it was on the inside, I loved the outside atmosphere. What other training program do you get to go out and eat raspberries off the bushes in the summer and pick apples off the trees in the fall during classroom breaks? There was a walking trail through the evergreens to enjoy during lunch. Too bad the evergreen trees there have not been immune to the pine disease in our area.
It was simple and rustic inside. I remember the clever system of cables and sheets that hung and separated our “rooms” during student clinicals. Each “room” was secured with wooden close pins. I appreciated the encouragement of our seasoned instructors who gave us practical advice for our journey in the unique field of massage therapy. Carlson taught me how to give a great massage, and run an ethical, simple, and successful practice.
As a gift we were sent home with founder Ruth Carlson’s new adventure, Moonstorm Naturals Satin Cloud Crème and Silk Rain Cretion (Crème/Lotion). I smell product review coming soon!
My Ava “rising to the challenge” for the Massage Therapy Foundation @ Carlson.
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