I have some fantastic music for massage to share with you, a great story to boot, and an exciting update.
Years ago (2012) opened my email and read this:
“Massage therapy saved my music career.”
I read on.
The email was from Michael Strening Jr., a Chicago-area musician. He introduced me to his music and share his personal story about why he wrote music for massage and yoga.
The first thing I did after reading my email was to check the reviews of his music. I check reviews on everything I buy online. This is probably why I like to review massage products so much. At that time, the last album he released was in 2009 (Falling Water / Music for Relaxation). The ratings on iTunes: 15 ratings, 5/5 stars. Not bad. I listened to some samples and knew I wanted to hear more.

I received Michael’s CDs (remember those?) in the mail. I hurried to load them onto my iPod before work. I like to listen to new music before I play it for the session, but I had already listened to samples on his website and I was actually too excited to wait.
Now, a little further background about Michael Strening Jr.:
About Michael
Over a decade ago, Michael experienced nerve irritation in his carpal and cubital tunnels. This is devastating for anyone, but especially for a composer/pianist. Michael took a year off from playing and during this time work closely with a massage therapist. The combination of his time off and massage therapy proved to be successful. Micheal was able to return to playing professionally, and has continued to play for the last decade.
In 2009, he released “Falling Water” a CD of piano solos “specifically composed, performed, and recorded as a tool for massage therapy, relaxation, meditation, and healing.” This is the album that has such great reviews on many streaming services.
You can find “Falling Water” on iTunes, Amazon, and Spotify.
Next, in 2012, he released “Mist and Sand”, another compilation of songs specifically for massage. Again, he worked in collaboration with massage therapists and psychologists to create this album.
You can find “Mist and Sand” on iTunes, Amazon, and Spotify.
I am so excited to share that we are lucky enough to have a new holiday album from Michael to enjoy. I love the massage room most in the winter. Don’t you? It is such a relaxing and cozy environment. Michael has collected Holiday music from different parts of the world and different religious traditions, and then composed soothing interpretations of the holiday music for piano to meet the needs of massage therapists, yoga instructors, and anyone in need of relaxation and rejuvenation. This new album, “Winter”, is wonderful! Not only will I play this in the massage room this winter season, but I also have played it at home while we enjoy this holiday season.
And if you are looking for a short seventeen minute playlist for a chair massage or add on to your favorite massage playlist, Michael recently released a new EP, Into the Light, that is perfect for this purpose.
Why my clients and I love his music
I am not a professional music reviewer, but I will tell you why these albums are great for a massage. All of his albums are piano solos. Nothing more. Simple and easy- each over 65 minutes. One is not better than the other in my opinion, all are equally impressive. This is music a majority of clients will appreciate. It is not New Age, ocean noises, Celtic drums, Indian guitar, or a babbling brook. Just beautiful piano solos. Like a massage, the music is soothing, therapeutic, and calming from beginning to end.
My personal test was assessing the noise level in my room. My clients were quiet, always a good sign. Some spoke up to ask what we were listening to during the session. When I asked others what they thought, I received nothing but positive comments. The music lets my clients relax and let me work in peace. I love that and I think you will love it too.
Thank you Micheal for having the confidence to share your music and talent with all of us.
Thank you for giving me another tool for relaxation.
Thank you for sharing your story and helping us see that massage therapy is powerful.
We are truly lucky to have you on our side.
Where you can get his music for your massage room or yoga studio

I can say Michael is a joy to communicate with and I love supporting this artist.
To learn more about Michael, purchase the albums on his site, or to contact him directly, you may also visit:
Absolutely gorgeous music. Thanks for sharing, Ivy! 🙂
I’m happy to offer my review of Michael Strening’s work as a cross-reference for anyone who is looking for another positive opinion on these CD’s.
Post: http://www.massagetoolbox.com/2012/03/03/review-falling-water-mist-and-sand-two-relaxation-cds-by-michael-strening-jr/
Thanks for posting this. I have read your review before. It is a great, in-depth review!
Thanks for passing on the music recommendation.
I am always on the look out for new music, I find it difficult getting new music as sometimes they sound great on the little sample you get, but once you have received it you find out that it is quite monotonous or half way there is a massive cymbal crash and both me and the client jump :).
As I type I am listening to the preview on Itunes and it’s beautiful! will be downloading straight away!
You are welcome. Please come back and tell me what you think!
We normally listen to Tony O’Connor during our massage sessions. He is good but maybe we need to try something new just for the sake of change? Thanks for the share and we will see how our clients respond to Michael Strening Jr.
Please come back and let me know what you think!
Melbourne! I’m so honored that you’re going to check out my music! Please let me know what you think and I hope everything is great in Australia.